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Export data to Excel with "lowest level" summary data only

You create an Activity code to group data as you wish. After assigning and grouping activity by Activity code, here is the result:


You want to export only the summary data to excel. So we will tick the “Show Summaries Only” option.


However, you only want to export summary data at the lowest level. Because if you export all level, then in excel if you sum the value, it is a wrong number.

So, how can we show only summary data at the lowest level. The “high level” summary data should be zero.

Here is the solution.

In the Group & Sort dialog, you deselect the “Indent” option:


Now the summary data only appear at lowest level:


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Show relationship between group of activities



Sometimes we want to simplify our Gant chart report.


In stead of a report like this with so many relationships connecting between all activities:


We can make it more simple by showing only summary level and relationship between them:

It’s very useful for Manager level when they only need to see the summary level.

I will show you how to do this.

Go to Layout -> Bar Chart Option:

Go to Collapsed Bars tab -> Check “Show relationships for collapsed bars”


Now when you collapse activities to a summary level, there will be a relationship connecting them.

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5344 Hits

What does "Effort driven" option do?


What does “Effort driven” option do?


You may wonder what does “Effort driven” option in Task Detail Form do?


Here I have 2 tasks.

Task A doesn’t have Effort driven check. When I assign 2 resources to it, the Work unit for each resource doesn’t change (80h for each resource). No matter how many resource I assign, each resource will get 80h.

Now, Task B have Effort driven check. When I assign resource to it, the Work unit for each resource change (with 2 resource assign it will get 40h for each resource). And activity duration reduce to 5 days. The more resource you assign, the less unit each resource will get.


So, when you have kind of activity which can be reduced duration by adding more resource, use “Effort driven” option.




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16754 Hits

New Approaches to Level Scheduling

While there are differing views on the criteria that apply to summary- and detailed-level scheduling, it is generally understood that a coordinated approach is best. For example, Jelen's position is that there is no universal agreement on the number of schedule levels or their format, while others take a progression elaboration approach to developing coordinating schedules across various levels of a project.
Some methods suggest using more details, targets and objectives at each level, while others have traditionally not done so in many lower-level schedules. For example, level 2 schedule considerations vary widely, from including subdivided components, details or intents to including little to no higher-level details, summaries or intents.
Recent theories take a different approach to traditional level scheduling, especially regarding the details and information included in each level.
AACE International's Recommended Practice No. 37 (RP 37), Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB Guide) and the Guide to the Forensic Scheduling Body of Knowledge Part I (FSBOK Guide) each bring new ideas into the project planning and scheduling field. But the main concept of establishing a common detailed framework for a project is universal.
Developing a common work schedule framework from the onset allows for easier level schedule development as a project progresses. Of course, details will continue to be added to each level as activities are confirmed and processes are firmed-up.
By using a combination of RP 37 and the CIOB Guide suggestions, you can implement a progressive elaboration approach. This approach is based on the idea that it's impractical to plan a working schedule (with all of its details) at the onset on a project, since the schedule's density will increase as more information and details become available and are confirmed.
Additionally, the FSBOK Guide introduces a multi-level schedule hierarchy. This helps ensure logical summary-level and detailed-level scheduling for mega- and major contracts through the creation of a foundation schedule. This five-level approach divides each level's criteria into two categories: general intent and format, and scheduling objective. With this subdivision of criteria, each level is able to include all of the general details and information about the project and keep the team on the same page.
FSBOK's multi-level hierarchy divides the scheduling into five levels:
  • Level 1: Graphical snapshot of driving summary activities and logic for executive and senior managers.
  • Level 2: Establish the driving critical path and near-critical path to contract, and key milestones for senior managers, including the project manager.
  • Level 3: Detail needed for construction management, staging deliveries and project control for construction manager and scheduling staff.
  • Level 4: Working schedule that supports Level 3 sequences for area supervision.
  • Level 5: Look-ahead schedule for crew foremen and supervision.
Although all of the new approaches agree that a common framework should be developed, they disagree on a method for addressing schedule density or granularity through the progression of the project. CIOB advocates increasing density of downstream activities, whereas FSBOK promotes holding to a uniform schedule granularity. Each approach has its advantages, and one may work better for certain projects and schedules than another, so it's wise to be flexible and use alternative methods as needed.
Regardless of the approach taken, it's important to keep all levels on the same page, making sure they are connecting with the overall schedule. To that end, the new approaches suggest using a coding structure to ensure horizontal and vertical integration throughout the project.
Approaches to project scheduling and planning continue to evolve and change, and it's helpful to incorporate new ideas into your planning. But it's also critical to remember that while each project and project team works differently, it's vital to keep everyone on the same track through the duration of the project


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9688 Hits

Open Microsoft Project file and a blank screen appear

When you work with Microsoft Project 2010 in 2 monitor, you finish working, save the file and then next day you open a project file and a blank screen appear like this:


What the he**, where is my project?

At first I thought the file is damaged, but it isn’t.

To show the project you go to View -> Arrange All. And your project is back.


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5060 Hits

Shortcut for moving WBS element

Then we can press “Insert” and continue to create new WBS.

Similarly, we can use “Ctrl + Right / Up / Down arrow” to move WBS.

This shortcut also apply to Activity Code windows. So it will help you to create the structure faster.

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